Friday, February 12, 2010

Christians: Is It Possible For A False Prophet's Sign To Come True?

Matthew 24:24: ';For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.'; [English Standard Version]Christians: Is It Possible For A False Prophet's Sign To Come True?
Of course! There will be many many people who may even come in the name of Jesus but will actually not be from God. They will perform great miracles and signs. So people will be led to believe that they have divine powers and they are from God.

In this day and age, deception is increasing at an alarming rate.

Ask the Holy Spirit for the gift of discernment to know who's true and who's false.Christians: Is It Possible For A False Prophet's Sign To Come True?
Absolutely. That is why the standard for prophets was set higher in the days of Jeremiah; but mostly ignored by all of Christendom and of course the occult world. (( Only prophets that prophesy peace, and that peace comes to pass, are sent from God.)) That pretty much cuts out all of today's rabble of end time and dooms day prophets.

If your most beloved friend forecasts destruction and its comes to pass, or if a well known astrologer does the same, he or she still does not qualify as a prophet sent from God.

If you think about it this is one of two reasons that false prophets cannot forecast the second coming; because it is the arrival of the Prince of Peace and has already been prophesied. They can however predict those things for which their father, the god of this world, is responsible.

So the confusion continues with this and that religion, the occult and even science, attempting to forecast the future of life on this globe. The signs which God is giving, without any prophet, can be seen by any who are willing to look.

While Satan the Devil has always sought to mislead mankind away from Jehovah God, with more or less success, his most powerful acts of deception are reserved for the end of the world.

Revelation 13:13-14 says: ';And it performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind. And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword stroke and yet revived.';
The Old Testament definition of the false prophet is that his prophecies do not come true. As the canonization process was underway the Prophets were closed.

In the time the Book of Matthew was being composed an incredibly large number of variations of Christianity were popular

and in competition with what has survived to the present. Some of them competed with Christianity for hundreds of years. The author(s) of Matthew were referring to this competition and as is in the case of the Old Testament Prophets it is absolutely wrong to use the words to predict events in the far distant future.

Remember that Matthew, and all of the early Christians, were expecting the end of the world to occur soon, in their lifetimes.

The reason for this expectation was that Jesus had told them so.
Yes. As stated in Deut. 13;1-5 false prophet predictions can come true. Further reading shows that God allows these prophesies to come true to test the believers. To see if they truly know the word of God or at least check what a prophet is saying in light of scripture.

This kind of test is not to trip us up or to see if we fail, but to draw us closer to God and expose the false prophet as a liar to keep others from being led astray.
yes but deuteronomy 13:1 says ; if a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder,and the sign or the wonder comes true,concerning which he spoke to you ,saying,let us go after other gods whom you have not known and let us serve them,you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer of dreams;for the Lord your God is testing you to find out if you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul .you shall follow the Lord your God and fear Him and you shall keep His commandments,listen to His voice,serve Him,and cling to Him.
oh absolutely. but not for the right reasons. not all supernatural acts or gifts come from God - a great deal also come from Satan. you must be wary about prophets, to ensure that you aren't deceived. we just did a bible study on the Book of Jude and it warns or false prophets and being deceived.
Yes. Ability to perform “great signs,” or “miracles,” is not necessarily proof of a true prophet. Besides quackery and frauds, there would also be manifestations of demonic power. Claims of unexplainable events should not surprise us.

A woman in Estonia, a Russian-language teacher, had been deeply involved in spiritism for 20 years when she met Jehovah’s Witnesses. She had taken courses on the use of the pendulum to identify the sick organs in people. (The pendulum would start moving when questions were asked.) She had shared in an assembly where practicers of extrasensory perception from all over the Soviet Union were present. She had participated in New Age meetings. Why? Her mother was very sick, and she was seeking a way to bring her relief. She knew that Jesus cured people, and she believed that spirit healers today must be God’s servants. She did not know that the power to perform cures could come from a source other than God. (Deut. 18:10-12; Matt. 7:15-23) But the demons started to bite and strangle her. She desperately needed help. Disappointed with other religious groups, she got in touch with Jehovah’s Witnesses. A Bible study with her was started immediately. She learned how to pray and how to resist the Devil. When she understood how Jehovah views spiritism, she burned her spiritistic literature and destroyed her five pendulums. Within four months, she was sharing in the field service, helping others to benefit from the truths that had done so much to set her free. Now she serves as a continuous auxiliary pioneer, grateful to be numbered among Jehovah’s happy people.

On the other hand, Moses performed miracles at Jehovah’s direction. (Ex. 4:1-9) Jehovah also empowered Jesus to perform miracles. (Acts 2:22) But more than the miracles gave evidence that God had truly sent them.

The pronouncements of a true prophet promote true worship and are in harmony with God’s revealed will.

True prophets and the false can be recognized by the fruitage manifest in their lives and the lives of those who follow them.

The book of Acts talks about a woman with a demon of divination who was able to furnish her master with much gain though divination.

It is therefore not impossible for a false prophet having a demon of divination to foretell events that come true.
Interestingly enough, yes. According to their flawed logic, that is. Of course when it happens its just God giving the heathens their due, allowing them to be further deceived. Luckily for us though, as long as we hold tight to scripture and the closed minded evangelical world view, no sign, sight, or logic can ever cause us to stray. PRAISE GOD!!
False prophets with their signs and wonders have been occurring more and more for the last two thousand years; it is all the advancement´s of mankind making itself independent from God, it isn´t as hollywood portrays it as a dramatic special effects film.
Yes, in Revelation 16:14. devils can even do miracles. that is why it is important to test the spirits. God does not do lying wonders.
yes but the ability to perform “great signs,” or “miracles,” is not necessarily proof of a true prophet
Yes, Because if it is a false prophet his great signs would be works of demons and the devil.
possibly. depends on when he arrives
That false prophet may well have the shell of truth with a lie at the core.
The False prophet are those Christians who will start their own cult just like Protestants.
Yes, but it ties in with your Deuteronomy question.
Keep in mind that in the next Chapter, Jesus predicts that he will return before some of those around him taste death....oooops. False prophet.

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