Monday, February 8, 2010

Was the original jesus a false prophet?

if jesus is god,

then the sacrifice of jesus means nothing.

unless god died.

a sacrifice isn't a sacrifice unless something is sacrificed!Was the original jesus a false prophet?
dude, that's a good question

But if he didn't die then the christians couldn't sell his action figure and make movies about himWas the original jesus a false prophet?
This is where the doctrine of the Trinity comes into play.


CS Lewis once said that Jesus was either a liar for saying that He was God, or a lunatic for believe it and saying it, or... He really is Lord and our Savior.
';your words, not mine'; -jesus

the gnostic chruch never felt jesus was god. nor did they believe he was the ONLY son of god. this basic truth (and their view on the ';virgin'; birth) is what got them all killed off by the second Inquisition.

after the edict of millan in the 300's banned most of the bible including all the gnostic teaching, the gosple's of mary, judas, and peter to name only a few there was little of worth left in the teachings of the man jesus. now all we have is a doctrine used to suppress people throughout the middle ages.
Wrong. He was and is God. Jesus is God incarnated. God sacrificed his own Son so that we wouldn't all have to be sacrificed for our sins.

Original sin is a man made doctrine, it is not biblical.

you win!

God cant die. nor can he sacrifice Himself. this doctrine of inherent sin and redemption is bonkers. you were born perfect. you still are perfect. its up to you to realize it.
Is somewhat silly to argue about whether or not Jesus was a false prophet when the whole story is a myth.
yah coz he wasn't god .. he was a prophet by god

he's not a false prophet though
The Jewish religion believes he was, that is, if he in fact existed.
That's why it's called the Deity (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) They are one in the same.
Jesus IS God.

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