Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Was Russell a false prophet?

He founded the Jehovah's witnesses according to a book I am reading.He appears to have predicted the end of World War One in 1914 or 1915. Was he right? Would JWs be better to follow the Lord Jesus and ask Jesus to pour out his Spirit on them?Was Russell a false prophet?
No doubt about it.

He predicted the end more than once or twice or even three times.

Russell's books retained much of Barbour's eschatological chronology, focusing on 1874 as the beginning of Christ's invisible ';presence,'; and predicting other end-times events by calculating from that date. He also incorporated measurements of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh in his chronological calculations. Calling it ';God's Stone Witness and Prophet, the Great Pyramid in Egypt,'; he figured a year for each inch of measurement in various internal passageways, and used these numbers to predict that believers would be raptured in 1910 and that the world would end in 1914.

In 1882 Russell began leading Watch Tower readers away from orthodox theology. After Trinitarian assistant editor John Paton broke with Russell and ceased to be listed on the masthead, Russell openly rejected the doctrine of the Trinity as ';totally unscriptural.';Was Russell a false prophet?
Yes, he was and since he also was a wife beater as well as NOT a rea graduate of any university to get the recognition he thinks he deserves.

I had written that you go to that website of and I guess someone reported that I was solitating it, and I wasn't just that it is so full of resources, as well as this one:

I don't know if you can educate a JW, cause they don't want to educated since they turn away from any publications that aren't from them, how about giving them that Crisis of Consciousness as a recommendation.

religun and predictions no mix, if religus ppl are this gud then ask for me pls this week lotary number, tanks!
You are correct. Yes, he is a false prophet:(
Yes!! (JWS is a Cult!!)

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