Monday, February 8, 2010

How will I know if a prophet is true or false?

Should he be a one timer, or consistent over a long period of time?

Should I ask Tom, Dick, Harry, or the Lord? Or you? ( will I know if a prophet is true or false?
The Bible prophecies that there will be more prophets. It never says ';There won't be more prophets'; but rather ';beware of false prophets';, indicating that some will be true and some will be false.

The Bible is full of examples of people who had access to prophets and didn't recognize them to be prophets. It fact, generally MOST people didn't recognize the prophets, while a small minority did.

You recognize prophets by being humble, faithful, seeking truth, and seeking the Lord's help in doing so.How will I know if a prophet is true or false?
if a man speaks in the name of the lord ! every word should be 100% correct.

if a man speaks and teaches on a pulpit, chances are the LORD has not spoken. for almost every evangelical alive.

remember Jonah? he spoke in the name of the lord, however what he spoke did not come true.

God condemned 3 types of prophets. those that speak from their own imagination and delusions.

from them that Use probabilities

and from those that ';assume'; the bible is the ONLY word of God.
Any man who says 'trust me' without showing why is untrustworthy. It sometimes takes a lot of work to discover truth, but most are lazy.

Any man who says give me 10 percent of your stuff or you can't go in my temple and be sealed to your family.

Any man who says do as I say or you will suffer in the after life. That's very convenient, since there has never been a shred of truth known about the after life.

Any man who says God speaks more clearly to him than to me. How arrogant.
As a spirit sealed %26amp; filled Christian, I trust the Lord to show me. The Holy Spirit teaches us comparing spiritual with spiritual.

And so what comes out of their mouth reveals a fruit. A Prophet will speak life or death. Those who love it will eat of it.

Jesus said, ';I Am the way the truth %26amp; the life. The way to the Father is through me.';.

The test would be if they said the Lord said something would happen at a certain time %26amp; it doesn't happen. Then that prophet didn't hear from the Lord so you don't need to respect him.

The biggest test would be if they prophecy %26amp; it does come to pass, but they lead you to leave the LORD God %26amp; go after other gods. Like a different gospel, or a different testament, or other gods or a different Jesus... other than the one of the New Testament Gospels.

And, personally, if I look into their foundational teachings. They will change who the Word of God Is. They will say that Jesus wasn't the LORD in the beginning. But that He was a created Angel. Or even Michael...

Or if they say the Christ hasn't come yet. Or if they deny the Father %26amp; the Son. Or they deny the Father, Word %26amp; Holy Spirit. Or they deny the Father, Son %26amp; the Holy Spirit. Or they deny the Lord Jesus Christ. Or they count the work on the cross as not sufficient payment for our salvation. So enemies of the cross.

To those who perish (false prophets) the cross is foolishness. But to us who are redeemed, the Message of the cross is the Power of God's Saving Gospel.

Jesus became the Son of God when He was conceived in Mary's womb. The Word of God (God) came from heaven to earth and became one of us. Jesus Christ is the Son of God %26amp; the Son of Mankind.

So whenever a prophet messes with the Gospel foundation, you can know he or she is a wolf in sheeps clothing. You know a tree by its fruit.

The fruit of the Holy Spirit produces faith, hope, assurance, love, joy, peace, patience, truth, honesty, etc. While the fruit of a false prophet (deceptive spirit) is condemnation, doubt the true foundation (Jesus Christ the Son of God, Lamb of God, Resurrection %26amp; Life Eternal), hate, depression, fear, impatience, lies, false doctirnes, deception, etc...

The verse that I depend on is 1Jn2:27 The Anointing I have received of Him abides in me, and I need not that anyone teach me: burt as the same anointing teaches me of all things and is truth and is no lie, and even as He has taught me, I shall abide in Him.

So when reading the bible or hearing a Biblical Preacher, the Holy Spirit stirs me inside %26amp; confirms Gods Word in me. Like wise, if someone preaches Gods Word %26amp; adds to it. Like the Mormon book does. It is easily to know the Word of God, and to recognize the twist in it. The addition confuses me, and is of a different spirit. Same with the apocryphal books. I know Gods Word according to how the Holy Spirit has led me in the Holy Bible %26amp; has confirmed true Ministers Preaching or Prophetic Words. So when something contradicts, there is a spiritual discord in my spirit. So? And this is how the Holy Spirit teaches me. Comparing spiritual with spiritual.

Written books are inspired. The writer gets ideas %26amp; inspiration of what to write. Christian books are inspired by God %26amp; His Kingdom. But the Holy Bible is the Holy Spirits book. The Lord has told me to get 'Your Best Life Now' by Joel Osteen %26amp; to read it. So I obeyed. And it is a very uplifting book that doesn't contradict the Bible and helps us be more positive %26amp; claim Gods positive promises.

Then Kim Clement. The Lord brought him to my attention in the first place. And then told me to see him when he would be in town. And to my surprise, he ended up coming to my home town. And so I went. All my friends seem to be afraid of him. So? I had to go alone a few times.

But the Holy Spirit stirs me inside when there is a Word from the Lord. There is a comfirmation in my spiritman. Same as when my Pastor Jack Holt from the And also just yesterday. A black %26amp; white Billy Graham classic preached on end times. And the Holy Spirit moved in me a number of times during the program. Confirming what I believe about the rapture, etc.

I guess I should try to explain how the Holy Spirit moves in me. When I suddenly praise God in tongues in my spiritual soul in the Joy of the Lord when I hear a prophetic word spoken (like on end times, etc...)

Love rejoices in the Truth (Gods Truth). God is Love.

I get joyful in my spiritual soul %26amp; it comes out in praise. I love the Truth. And this is always a confirmation from God for me. Because He has always proven true in the test of time.
The Bible warns that toward the end of the present age false prophets will arise and try to lure people away from faith in Christ. Jesus said, ';Many false prophets will appear and deceive many people'; (Matthew 24:11). The Apostle Paul warned that ';impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived'; (2 Timothy 3:13).

One of the characteristics of leaders like this is that they claim they, and they alone, have the truth about God. But one way to spot them is to ask what they think of Jesus Christ. They will never agree with what the Bible teaches: He was God's only Son, who came down from heaven and saved us by His death on the cross. Nor will they agree that He was God's final and complete revelation of Himself, and that ';in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form'; (Colossians 2:9).

Don't be deceived by those who reject the Bible or twist its clear meaning, or claim the Bible needs the ';wisdom'; of some later prophet to make it complete. Instead, put your trust and faith in Christ, for He alone is able to save us, and He alone gives us hope of eternal life. Ask Him to come into your life right now.

Then ask God to help you find a church where Christ is central and the Bible is taught, so you can be ';rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith'; (Colossians 2:7).

Since Jesus there are no more prophets.

Hebrews 1

1In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.
Perhaps you hit it on the last one, the Lord. Find out what He wants for you in your life and relate to Him first of all before any else. That way you will be the profit and will know what is and is not before most others.
Only God can reveal that to you if He wants to. They are so many false christians who will continue to be false to the end. It takes one with a discerning Spirit to know them.
i wouldn't worry about prophesy. but the bible says if the tree bears good fruit, than it is a good tree. and yes if they want money i would definatly ignore them.
I swear to my God Yahweh that everything I say is the truth and will be proven true in the future. Time will prove Who sent me here to be His spokesman.
By the works, or lack thereof. Jesus said by the fruit of the tree you will recognize them. A good tree gives good fruit. A bad tree, bad fruit.
CONSISTENT. Isaiah in the Old Testament would be a good place to start.
You will know when you realize there is no such person as a ';prophet';.
You pray to God and ask him.
it's best to assume that something is false if the one making the claim does not provide adequate evidence
';Thinking'; always blocks Knowing....
If he's asking for your money, I'd suspect he's not too trustworthy.
After Jesus no more were needed!
  • skin infection
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