Friday, February 12, 2010

Is there a possibility that Jesus is a false prophet?

Please read through this webpage before responding. there a possibility that Jesus is a false prophet?
To these answers...*facepalm*

There is a possibility that he was a prophet, but not the son of God.

There is also a possibility that he WASNT a prophet, and just some rabbi trying to teach others to be moral.

His image has been twisted by Christians so we aren't really sure if he was a prophet or not. Some Jews believe he was, and some of us don't. That is still being debated.Is there a possibility that Jesus is a false prophet?
There is no doubt Jesus was the Messiah. Yes I did look at your web page. First yes Isaiah was talking about the Jewish nation as well as about the Christ in his dualistic manner of writing. Wasn't he great? As far as the prophecies that Jesus didn't fulfill, the only ones are the ones he has yet to fulfill upon his second coming. Then those to will also be fulfilled. As for the whole Jewish nation knowing their Prophets, I ask when did that come about? They jailed, stoned and tried to kill most of them when they walked the earth. It was only many many years later after their words came true they were considered prophets by the Jews themselves. If they would have been considered prophets when they walked the earth most of the Jews problems would not have happened, if I read the bible correctly. However the Good news is the Jews are still Gods chosen people and Jesus will return to them and they will except him when by his hand he saves them once again just like the prophecy says.
From the islamic position, he is a Prophet of Allah.

I did look through the web page, but why go through the bible references when we know that the bible has major problems with it...

Biblical problems start on page 1 in the book of Genesis.

God created the day and the night. And then a few days later he made the Sun...It goes on and on.
Well yeah if you are Jewish he is not your Messiah and may think he is/was a false prophet. It's up to each person to find their beliefs and be comfortable with them, and no one can tell another what to believe or why. It really cheeses me off when others do this. What's good for you may not be good for me to believe. So be it. Live and let live.
Astagfirullah! Jesus(pbuh) is a true prophet who invited the Jews to worship none but Allah(swt). As Muslims we believe he healed the blind, healed lepers, made birds with clay, rose the dead, etc but with Allah(swt)'s permission.

Jesus(pbuh) was also a Muslim.
in logic anything is possible

but this is not logic

it is a matter of belief a matter of faith that Jesus is the only begotten SON OF GOD
Is there a possibility he actually existed?
he is a false everything
Yes, from the Christian bible itself, Deuteronomy 13
From an orthodox Jewish website.... that's real balanced.

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