Friday, February 12, 2010

Was CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL a false prophet ?

yes, made many false predictions.Was CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL a false prophet ?
I am Roman Catholic.

I am not an expert on Mr. Russell, but I'm pretty sure he never actually claimed to have any special personal private revelation from God. I'm not sure Charles Taze Russell was even a prophet. He taught based on his understanding of scripture. I think he was mistaken about much, but that would make him a poor theologian or poor teacher - not a false prophet in the sense that the word ';prophet'; normally is used.

I hope that Charles Taze Russell finally accepted the truth before he died. His teachings have led many people astray. I pray for his eternal salvation.

Peace be with you.Was CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL a false prophet ?
15 In 1870 a zealous young man, Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916), began to ask many questions about Christendom’s traditional teachings.However, he was perturbed by such teachings as predestination and eternal torment in hellfire. What were his reasons for doubting these basic doctrines of some of Christendom’s religions? He wrote: “A God that would use his power to create human beings whom he foreknew and predestinated should be eternally tormented, could be neither wise, just nor loving. His standard would be lower than that of many men.”16 While still in his late teens, Russell started a weekly Bible study group with other young men. They began to analyze the Bible’s teachings on other subjects, such as immortality of the soul as well as Christ’s ransom sacrifice and his second coming.. In July 1879, Russell started to publish Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, known worldwide today as The Watchtower—Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom. In 1881 he, in association with other dedicated Christians, established a nonprofit Bible society. From the very beginning, Russell insisted that there would be no collections taken at congregation meetings nor contributions solicited through the Watch Tower publications. 19 As a result of their Bible study, Russell and his associates came to reject Christendom’s teachings of a mysterious “Most Holy Trinity,” an inherently immortal human soul, and eternal torment in hellfire. They also rejected the need for a separate seminary-trained clergy class. They wanted to return to the humble origins of Christianity, with spiritually qualified elders to lead the congregations without thought of a salary or remuneration.—1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9.21 Russell knew that a great preaching work had to be done. He was conscious of the words of Jesus recorded by Matthew: “And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14; Mark 13:10) He was a very humble man,he never wanted to be looked up to or called a prophet.All he wanted to do was to search the scriptures and preach the good news of God's Kingdom.(Matthew 6:10) Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.(Daniel 12:4) “And as for you, O Daniel, make secret the words and seal up the book, until the time of [the] end. Many will rove about, and the [true] knowledge will become abundant.”(Matthew 24:14) And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.
First, he was not a prophet. So he could not be a false one.

What he was: a searcher for truth. He understood what was being taught in the churches was not what the Bible teaches. He and others turned to look only to the Bible to decide what to believe. Not to blindly accept the teachings of the clergy with no basis in the Bible.

This was something not done for almost 1800 years!

True it was difficult and they made errors. Coming out of false religion, several of the false doctrines stuck to them and like mud, they had to be scraped off. It took time. But as they learned more, they made changes.

They learned God and Jesus were not part of any trinity. Man does not have an immortal soul. There is no hellfire for the dead to be tortured. Russell and those with him had to find this out for themselves. Unlike us today who have books that point right to the verses which prove these things in an organized way.

The big point is that they were willing to do what was needed to become in line with the Bible's teachings rather than hold on to pagan ones like other religions.
He undoubtedly was after he 3 or 4 times predicted the second coming of Christ. The only reason he stopped I suppose was because he died. He was also convicted of fraud for selling ';miracle wheat';. After that conviction he decided people could be more easily conned by means of religion. He was right.

He was a Mason and maybe even a kabalist. It is apparent that subsequent leadership did not understand his theology and it has morphed into what it is now.
Yes. By definition, all prophets are false prophets.

Glad I could help.

false prophet is an oxymoron.
I dont think he ever claimed to be a prophet.
He was a false prophet.,his teachings were against the bible, God's holy word.
The evidence is clear:

NONE of his prophesies were true.
All ';prophets'; are false.
Not a prophet at all.
Bro, don't Taze me

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