Monday, February 8, 2010

Is Glenn Beck the false prophet that was foretold would come in the Book of Revelations...?

who will bring about the chaos and destruction (which he talks about a lot on his talk show and news programs) and usher in the Satans return to earth? I'm not saying I believe such things, but isn't it kind of funny that I'm the only one who is asking these questions?Is Glenn Beck the false prophet that was foretold would come in the Book of Revelations...?
Actually, I think Glenn Beck is one of the few guys on tv that actually ';gets it';. Read the Constitution. Read The Federalist Papers. Read Common Sense. This country has taken a completely different course than the founders intended, and it's not for the better. Socialist and communist societies around the world have proven to be unstable and ineffective. Capitalism, freedom, and a democratic republican form of government have given us the greatest nation in history, but we are getting away from the core principles on which it was founded.Is Glenn Beck the false prophet that was foretold would come in the Book of Revelations...?
No Glenn Beck is a guy with a great mind for conspiracy and asking the what if. He tells a tale in believable fashion and is not afraid to deviate from the truth to tell his story. Satan and god have nothing to do with it. It is only what one wants to believe, Are the facts that he presents to support his argument real facts or just more persuasion. In short he tells people what he thinks they want to hear and his tales are intertwined with the truth to even more complicate the topic. He is a Entertainer extraordinaire. In my Opinion.

I for one love to listen to his show he says it how he believes it.
First of all...put down the crack pipe.

Did you eat lead paint as a kid?

Glenn Beck is doing a great service, exposing this administration for what it is

I love the melodramatic superstar

Rick, I know this whole ';capitalist'; thing might be out of your range of understanding, but Glenn gets paid, because he has a huge audience. Lots of people watch him and listen to him.

He cares alot about this country and his facts are carefully researched. He also puts on a great show.

If people like Glenn Beck were not correct, why would they draw such attacks from the White House itself. Obama and his thugs would shut FOX news down if they could. They tried the best they could and FAILED. This should tell you what kind of administration we have, a Fascist wanna be
Only if people are actually watching him rant and rave. I think that is a pretty small amount even among Repubs. He's only there because he is getting paid for what he says. If he wasn't getting paid by someone we wouldn't even know about him.

I'm just saying that if he wasn't getting the big pay he wouldn't be saying anything.
I don't believe in that bible stuff so my answer is no. He does have a talent for talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time.
I'm not saying I believe any of those fairy tales, but if someone was to bring forth Armageddon, it'll probably be Beck..........or Cheney.
Obviously not! Were you dropped on your head when you were a child?
It is Revelation. No s on the end.

Beck is an small donkey with ears.

Darwin - It is a. No n on the end.
You need batteries for your remote?
He's only that important in his mind.

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