Friday, February 12, 2010

Do you think Islam is setting itself up to be the beast & false prophet written about in Revelation?

With all of its end time teaching of the Mahdi or the 12 Imam or Isu (Their Jesus), etc...?Do you think Islam is setting itself up to be the beast %26amp; false prophet written about in Revelation?
Actually, me personal belief is that a new form of Islam will come about, possibly mixing with the Catholic Church and the two will become one world religion. I believe the Catholic church will suffer financially and be close to complete bankruptcy due to all the old and new lawsuits arising from all the sexual abuse scandals. In order to stay solvent, the Catholic church will be more than willing to join Islam, saving themselves financially and politically. This new world organization will be the ';Harlot'; referred to in the book of Revelation. When the worlds economies collapse and the offering plates are empty, the heads of the Catholic church will betray their followers by denouncing the Deity of Christ and joining Islam to create this New World Religion. The world will see this merging as a way to end war and bloodshed and the world will embrace it. I guess soon afterwards, a peace deal will be signed with Israel and all of the middle east. The world will be at peace and people everywhere will celebrate. According to Scripture, this peace will not last. God Bless You.Do you think Islam is setting itself up to be the beast %26amp; false prophet written about in Revelation?
No. 12 imaams it shia concept. Mahdi is the descendent of the prophet Mohammad (saws). and Isa ( or Esa) is the real name of Jesus even in the bible before it got translated a 1000 times with all the cut and delete and paste each king did to support their dictatorship and pope did to support his church.

No beast here lady, try looking else where...
Same can be said about any religion against another. Maybe it's Christianity that is setting itself up to be the ';Beast'; in your Revelation? Consider that, or do you have a ';we're always the good guys'; attitude? Just curious...
Errrm.......... probably not.
No I dont believe that
You are totally misguided. St.Paul was a false prophet

Dont be blinded by your bible , okay?

EDIT: Ryan T : LOL , You are right
No. The Beast is the governments of this world. %26amp; heads = 7 continents.
No, since Revelation (like the rest of the Bible) is fiction.
lol your funny...';(their Jesus)';... Christians worship Jesus as part of the holy trinity, Muslims only worship God; cute question though.
NO..........And can you stop watching Foxnews. If you look at news from the middle east not everyone is Al-Queda. These people are humans just like us trying to figure out the best way to survival. If you had a country in your backyard killing 100,000 civilians and raping the land and stealing natural resources you would want death to America as well. Opps! Im sorry I got off subject with the whole war thing.

Sorry.....I disagree.
no! i dont think so.

what is wrong with them?

its only the radicals and terrorist that do anything wrong, and them calling themselves islam? ha! religion is just an excuse to them.

the people are just people, like anyone else, good and bad.
No. It's Isa in Arabic. No Jesus/Isa(PBUH*) is not the 12th Imam. The thing about the 12 Imams is a Shia idea. Sunni don't believe in the 12 Imams.
Only Beast i see is the one in the west that keeps going to east to massacre millions for some oil.

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