Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Does God still use prophets? If so, how can you tell a True prophet from a False prophet?

God gave visions to John the revelator, he foretold world history through Daniel, and predicted the arrival of Jesus thru Isaiah (among others). But does God still reveal his intentions through prophets TODAY? We all know there are people who have CLAIMED to have visions and dreams, but how can we know if they are from God?

Amos 3:7

Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.Does God still use prophets? If so, how can you tell a True prophet from a False prophet?
Don't ask a Mormon this question. They haven't figured this one out yet, either.Does God still use prophets? If so, how can you tell a True prophet from a False prophet?
First of all a Prophet is someone who speaks what God has given them, whether it be past present or future. Therefore, anyone who speaks God'w word from the Bible is a ';Prophet'; of the Word. second, God gave the Prophets and apostles the gift of prophecy that they may one, deliver his word to the people, and two, write his word. Once God had completed his Word, and given man all he needs to know to come to him by grace thru faith the gift was no longer needed as it was in the apostles/OT prophets time. The Bible is God's word and is perfect as it is, no more is needed, none to be taken away. As I stated before yes, there are modern day prophets but they are the Bible preachers who are preaching what God gives them from his written word. Those who claim to be prophets of some new thing, or news from God can easily be discerned, If what they say dosn't come to pass or is proven false they are to be feared and turned away from.Deu 18:22 Which includes every single modern day so called prophet of God I have heard about.
The Church of Jesus Christ L.D.S. has prophets. Know they are true prophets by what they say. First the Prophet must say the only way back to heaven is through Jesus Christ, as all prophets have done. Ask God if they be a true prophet and he will answer you in your heart that you may know they are true servants of the Lord. Look in the bible and learn what Jesus had to say about them also.
Prophet Muhammad ( pbuh ) is the last one , and true one . all what he say became true .
it says in the bible that you will know them by there fruits. i believe that He still uses prophets today to guide and direct us. Why wouldn't He? are we better than previous generations that we can figure out what the Lord wants on our own? Do we not need constant guidance and direction on things that pertain to us today that were not exsitant in biblical times? Does the Lord love previous generations more, that He would directly guide them and show them the way and give them prophets, but leave us to fend for ourselves? I do believe that there was a time that prophets were not around because of the extreme wickedness of the people of that time (after the death of Christ) my church calls this the great apostacy. But when the world was ready, the Lord decided it was time again- and that is when the restoration of the gospel came into place and prophets were once again instituted by the Lords hand. I believe that we have a living true prophet today and his name is Gordon B Hinkley. He was called by called by God and recieved his calling by the power of the priesthood. if you want to get into further details you can check out you can also ask live questions on this site with no obligations
As a muslim I would say no , because the message of Islam is the last one and the last prophet is mohammad(may peace be unto him) that is what i believe.

plus god doesnt need to send anymore prophets, we have three great religions already .
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