Wednesday, February 10, 2010

If a person sets a date for the end of the world and it does not come to fruition, are they a false prophet?

Yep, if they claim god revealed to them the date.

Deuteronomy 18:19-22

If anyone does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account. But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must be put to death.

You may say to yourselves, ';How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD ?'; If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.If a person sets a date for the end of the world and it does not come to fruition, are they a false prophet?
We all can predict things. All it takes is paying attention to trends, to people and their habits, to those sorts of things. Just like a palm reader, they give you generalized scenarios to how your path may unfold. The point is, with all of the predictions, one will be right, just like when you through or roll dice, there are so many sets of numbers that may come up, and eventually the number you picked will come up.

I do not know of anyone who has been 100% accurate. False Prophet.. that does not mean anything as far as I am concerned. Terms used to describe such things are just a mind game used by the religious when something goes in their favor they relate it to their faith and their prophet(s), and point to all others to say they are false prophets. If their prophets are not accurate, you do not hear a peep out of them. These things are usually used to try and convince people of a religion or their gods power.If a person sets a date for the end of the world and it does not come to fruition, are they a false prophet?
Since there's no such thing as a ';true'; prophet, calling somebody a ';false'; prophet is redundant.

Setting a date for the end of the world is evidence that you're a delusional idiot. When the end doesn't come, it's simply confirming the evidence that already existed.


Matthew 24:24,25 - ';For false christs and false prophets will rise

and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the

elect. See, I have told you beforehand.'; ~ Note: The word deceive

also means to cause to stray, lead aside from the right way, to

sever or fall away from the truth, to be led away into error and

sin. That is definitely the loss of salvation because it means to

be severed or fallen away from the truth. They will stray and be

led aside from the right way. They will be led away into error and

sin. We have no license to fall back into the bondage of sin

again. Some people want to think this Scripture means that it is

not possible when He said ';if possible,'; but Christ would not have

said this just to be playing games with us by there being no way

it can happen. The word for beforehand also means to say before

the event: prophecies. This was Christ telling us that it would

happen. So don't be deceived that you can't be deceived, or then

you may wind up one of those who do in fact get deceived.
mark 13:32

But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father

i do not know when all this will happen but i can tell you its soon cause im here and i was for the coming of the great and dreadfull day of the lord

but anyone who says that they know when exaclty its gonna happen yes falseness lyes in them
They are a confused person who knows not the bible.

The Prophets of old foretold things sent down from GOD himself.

When JESUS CHRIST came to earth, there was no more need for that type of prophets anymore.

FOR CHRIST being GOD also told us not to concentrate on the actual day but be ready for it as it will come like a thief in the night.
If they claim that they received the date from God and claim it to be a prophetic word, then yes.

If they are just predicting what they think and are not claiming it as prophecy, then no, they are just another person who has predicted wrong.
So they made a prophecy that was WRONG. Hrm. Yeah, I'd say that makes them a false prophet.

Most prophets are really vague, however. I'd give the false prophet at least some credit for being precise, even if s/he is not accurate.
Actually none of them gave an exact date. They just indicate 2wards smthing. And we try to figure out the meaning of der indications. In this process we make sm assumptions to find out der meaning, mayb our assumptions ver wrong.
It was probably the correct date in an alternate continuity universe, which would make him a prophet in that one, albeit dead.
They can be called that yes, and also it can be said of them, that they really don't know the Bible- because God said that only He knows the day and the time of Jesus' return.
Not necessarily. Even the most accurate ';prophets'; are wrong some of the time.

You should consider intent.
According to the Babble, yes and you are to take him outside the city and stone him to death.
Yes. Enough said. Stick the doomsday predictions to others.
Definitely a false prophet. The world could end today.
Yes, obviously.
You mean like Charles Taze Russell...founder of the JW's???

Yes, that would make them a false prophet.

Peace to all
yeah, go youtube, youll see plenty
no they are just an idiot
Yes...there are allot of them
Unm.....what do you think?

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