Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is Obama the false prophet as said in the bible?

There are some things that say Obama maybe the antichrist and others that say he may not be. In the maybe category are:

1. The Bible at Rev. 13:1 says Satan stood on the shores of the sea and the antichrist came out of the sea. Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on the shores of the sea.

2. The Bible says the Satan will give the antichrist his throne, power and great authority (Rev. 13:2). What other elected position other than the President of the United States has great authority and power in the world today? None, except maybe the President of China.

The second could be the president or leader of any great country at any time. For example, Hitler was the leader of a very powerful nation at the time, Germany. So was Stalin.

The Muslim connection come from Nostradamus' third antichrist being named Mabus = Oba 'maBus' h and the blue turbaned man from Arabia.

In the maybe not category are many people believe the antichrist will come from Islam and Arabia or the old Roman Empire.

As said above, Obama fits some of the prophecies but so did many others in the past as will many others in the future. Only God the Father knows for sure.

Godspeed. Is Obama the false prophet as said in the bible?
Yes, Barack Obama IS the False Prophet predicted in the Book of Revelation.

Read my book, ';Tribulation: 2008';, to see the PROOF for yourself.

The book presents a compelling argument, using logic and reason.

The Holy Bible is very logical.

The Holy

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Is Obama the false prophet as said in the bible?
no. he's not a prophet, he's the future president!!

I'm so sick of this bible crap accusing Barrack Obama of being the anti-christ and such. If you cant formulate a compelling argument about the man, stay out of politics! Religion shouldn't play a role in politics anyway!
OMG - as an outsider watching this sort of thing, it is amazing!!

I have heard some rich claims from politicians but I do not think I've ever heard Obama claim to be Christ or a prophet! Therefore he could not be a false prophet

(Do these bizarre claims come from individuals or from a central propaganda office of some sort?)
There is no false prophet, true prophet, or anti christ, ok? Don't use superstitious nonsense to make real, life altering decisions that could affect the fate of your nation. Use logic and reason. Your children's children will thank you for it....
the false prophet will come AFTER THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH

the anti christ will come AFTER THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH

read the writings of the old testaments

read in Matthew and Revelation about the anti christ and the false prophets already
A Pope will be the false prophet, and he will use his influence to help bring the anti-christ and the mark of the beast to the world.

The Bible NEVER states that Obama is the false prophet.
why are these kinds of questions always about Obama???? why cant McCain be the false prophet or the Anti-Christ?

nah, he just wants to kill Bin Laden, there's nothing wrong with that, is there?
Nah. Although he is helping with the ushering in of the antichrist.
couldnt tell ya
may be
who said he is a prophet in the first place?
I think he is a false prophet, but not THE falst prophet.

small chance he could the antichrist, but I don't think he is

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