Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who is the greatest false teacher ever known to man? Who is the best false prophet? The greatest liar?

David Koresh was pretty successful in exploiting a lot of confused people.Who is the greatest false teacher ever known to man? Who is the best false prophet? The greatest liar?
that tattooed freak, ahh whats his name, the lakeland florida revival guy... someone help me out here... Todd Bentley...Who is the greatest false teacher ever known to man? Who is the best false prophet? The greatest liar?
The people on this website that do not believe in Jesus, and try to turn others away from the truth with their false teachings and beliefs!

The people on this website that try to demean other christians who are just being witnesses for the Lord!

The people on this website that feel they have to tell christians about the ways of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ because they do not believe!
Jesus, Jesus, and Jesus
Man himself.
By greatest false teacher, do you mean the most horrible?

Charles Darwin.

Worst false prophet?

It would have to be Muhammad, followed by Joseph Smith.

Greatest Liar?

Hitler or Stalin or Lenin or the Snake in the Garden of Eden.
George W. Bush.
Jesus of Nazareth.
All the ones who have died and have left a legacy of false information and untruths.

Zarquon the great.

The Azgoths of Pria.


The Unkwown Warrior of Bulldust.
False Teacher - Charles Darwin...ooooo, too soon for ya?
Muhammad springs to mind.
Muhammad of course!

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