Friday, February 12, 2010

Is George W Bush the antichrist, and Pope Benedict his false prophet?

The Antichrist will come out of EuropeIs George W Bush the antichrist, and Pope Benedict his false prophet?
No, they are not. W is misguided and has his head so far up his fanny he can see the sun shining down his throat, but it takes more than that to make an antichrist. I think it more likely that Bin Laden is the antichrist for our age. Every new set of generations has an antichrist. As for Pope Benedict, well, I was disappointed when he was chosen and still don't think he was the best choice, but I don't think he's a false prophet because he doesn't purport to be a prophet at all. Popes are not considered to be prophets.Is George W Bush the antichrist, and Pope Benedict his false prophet?
geoge w. is a satanic shape shifting reptile descended from every major european monarch... a free mason, like jack the ripper, he eats children.. he and his kind persue the living descendants of jesus and are the true leaders of the catholic church.. these are the 'serpents' the bible spoke of...
Dub isn't smart enough to be the Antichrist. I still think it's Bill Gates, and my beliefs were reinforced when I had Windows Vista shoved down my throat.
Your question just proves how inept liberals are when it comes to national security. Terrorist want to kill as many Americans as possible and you're obsessed with hating the President.

Regardless, your logic is why you lost in 2004, and why you're going to get spanked in 2008...
I'm sure 10,000 dead terrorist would have to agree with you!!!
Biblical apocalyptic literature predicts the coming of ';the'; Antichrist, the name given to the one who will be Christ鈥檚 chief enemy. This will be just one person.

It is not uncommon for fundamentalist writers or preachers to attach the label to a currently living person. By calling a second (or third or fourth) person ';the'; Antichrist, they show that they were wrong when they applied the title to the first person.

Most presidents and every Pope since the time of Martin Luther has been labeled ';the'; Antichrist by at least one ';Christian'; leader, making each one incorrect (so far).

The adjective ';anti-Christ'; does not refer to the person prophesied in the Bible. It may be applied to an attitude or action judged to be fundamentally opposed to Christ and his message, for example: Hating others is anti-Christ.

Pope Benedict XVI just wrote a wonderful book entitled, ';Jesus of Nazareth.';鈥?/a>

From a book review: Through his brilliance as a theologian and his personal conviction as a believer, the Pope shares a rich, compelling, flesh-and-blood portrait of Jesus and invites us to encounter, face-to-face, the central figure of the Christian faith.

How can someone who writes such a book be accused of being either the Antichrist or anti-Christ?

With love in Christ.
Simple answer, no. I would look at Tony Blair to be in the mix, not the Antichrist or the beast, but instrumental in setting up the new world order.
sure because lord knows benedict and bush have been working so well together

especially since his holiness is about to write america off the list
Nope, it just seems that way
Noway, the anti-christ is supernatural.

Rev 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

Rev 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by [the means of] those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

He stands in Jerusalem pretenting to be GOD. 2 Ths 2.
well with all the bad george is doing, i would say he is pretty close to the antichrist. and the pope, i just cant trust him
yeah pretty much no one can really argue with that
Very astute of you. Too bad those religious types who voted for Bush did not stop to think what evil they were unleashing on the world.
They are both evil. but not what you said.

For a person to be anti-christ he should first claim to be christ of Judaism which bush never claimed.

And for a person to be false prophet, the person should first cliame to be prophet, which benedict did not claim
The Roman Catholic church committed ADULTERY in her relationship with the HUSBANDMAN Christ Jesus. She became ANTIChrist when she stepped against Him.

The Roman Catholic church has always 'claimed' to be walking ';with'; Christ. Just as Judas ';kissed'; Christ, so has Rome ';kissed'; His Truth. They ';softly and gently'; send their wolves forward wearing the clothing of a little lamb so as to gentle draw the masses away from Christ. They betray Christ as soft as the kiss of JUDAS!

In describing conditions that would prevail before His second coming, Christ said this: ';And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.'; Matthew 24: 11-13. Here Christ warns that many shall be deceived by false prophets and that many others will not be able to withstand the iniquity on every hand, but will grow cold. And then He added this, ';But He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.'; To endure is to keep on, to continue, to remain, to last until the very end. The inference is strong that the converse of verse 13 is also true. He who does not endure unto the end, the same shall be lost.
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