Friday, February 12, 2010

Why did Jesus say in his own way lets pretend John the Baptist is Elijah? The false prophet killer comes.?

he didn't.Why did Jesus say in his own way lets pretend John the Baptist is Elijah? The false prophet killer comes.?
Jesus referred here to the SPIRIT of Elijah - not Elijah himself

See here how the spirit of Elijah rested on Elisha:

2Ki 2:15 And when the sons of the prophets which [were] to view at Jericho saw him, they said, The spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha. And they came to meet him, and bowed themselves to the ground before him.

And here the spirit of Elijah rests upon Joh the Baptist

Luk 1:17 And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.Why did Jesus say in his own way lets pretend John the Baptist is Elijah? The false prophet killer comes.?
While walking to the ';lofty mountain,'; Jesus asked his disciples: ';Who are men saying that I am?'; They responded: ';John the Baptist, and others, Elijah, still others, One of the prophets.'; Then Christ asked: ';You, though, who do you say I am?'; Peter replied: ';You are the Christ.'; At that, Jesus ';strictly charged them not to tell anyone about him. Also, he started teaching them that the Son of man must undergo many sufferings and be rejected by the older men and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed, and rise three days later.';-Mark 8:27-31.

Further down in this article it says...

Through Malachi, God said: ';Look! I am sending to you people Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah. And he must turn the heart of fathers back toward sons, and the heart of sons back toward fathers; in order that I may not come and actually strike the earth with a devoting of it to destruction.';-Malachi 4:5, 6.

This prophecy had its miniature fulfillment in the work of John the Baptizer. Jesus pointed this out after the transfiguration, when his disciples asked why the scribes said that Elijah must come first-before the Messiah's appearance. Jesus said: ';Elijah, indeed, is coming and will restore all things. However, I say to you that Elijah has already come and they did not recognize him but did with him the things they wanted. In this way also the Son of man is destined to suffer at their hands.'; The account adds: ';Then the disciples perceived that he spoke to them about John the Baptist.';-Matthew 17:10-13.

John did an Elijahlike work when he baptized Jews who repented of their sins against the Law covenant. More important, John was the Messiah's forerunner and introduced Jesus Christ. (Matthew 11:11-15; Luke 1:11-17; John 1:29) But why was John's work only a miniature fulfillment of Malachi's prophecy?

In this vision, Elijah was seen speaking with Jesus. This was after the death of John the Baptizer, thus implying that an Elijah work would be done in the future. Moreover, the prophecy showed that this work would be done before ';the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah.'; That rapidly approaching event includes ';the war of the great day of God the Almighty'; at Har-Magedon, or Armageddon. (Revelation 16:14-16) This meant that the then future establishment of God's heavenly Kingdom would be preceded by a work corresponding to the activities of Elijah and his successor, Elisha. And for over a century, Jehovah's modern-day Witnesses have been carrying on a work involving the restoration of pure worship and the exalting of God's name.-Psalm 145:9-13; Matthew 24:14.
John the Baptist was going to be reincarnated, in the last days, just before the coming of Jesus, to turn the hearts of fathers back to the children.

He is Scott Stapp of Creed, the singing prophet;

He sings of Love and spiritual thoughts;鈥?/a>

He is the one chosen to restore all things during the parousea of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 11:11-14;..Matthew 17:10-13;..Mark 9:11-13;...

This has been fulfilled.

Welcome Jesus! Praise YHWH you people! Yahweh or Jehovah.
Wow another misquote of the Bible. How surprising. Give scripture and verse, while looking that up, read what was actually said in its proper context. It will make a world of difference.
What is the reference for this question?
What Bible do you read??

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