Friday, February 12, 2010

How many wives did the false Prophet Muhammad have and how old were they when he married them?

I know that one was pre-adolescent. That would make him a pedophile today.How many wives did the false Prophet Muhammad have and how old were they when he married them?
Who's to say that Muhammed was a 'false' prophet? I believe that there have been numerous prophets to try to keep people on the path on love and enlightenment.How many wives did the false Prophet Muhammad have and how old were they when he married them?
Wow I wonder what you teach your kids?
Let me guess..... are you are a follower of the false prophet Jesus? or the false prophet Shiva? Ganesh? Booba? Odin? or any one of the other 2500 imaginary supernatural beings humans have invented in the last 3000 years?
Read Martin lings Muhammad:based on his earlist sources.

See link below and find out.
Look it up in wikipedia.

I am a devout Catholic and I would not call Muhammad a ';false prophet'; mainly out of my ignorance of him. I have not read his teachings so I cannot confirm that he was false or only self-seeking. I know that I am not impressed with the militant Muslims; but I'm equally displeased with ';right-to-life'; Christians who bomb abortion clinics.

I don't fault the messenger if people choose to twist the message for their own gains. I don't fault the messenger if I have not studied his message personally. God will not only communicate with one faith, nation, gender, race, etc. God communicates to all of us and we each filter His message differently.

Maybe God did give Muhammad a message for the world. I cannot judge him on my limited knowledge of him anymore than someone who has not studied Christianity can judge Jesus.

Making judgments on the basis of ignorance only shows your stupidity and intolerance. Try loving others and learning from them before you judge them. You would be amazed at the wonderful people there are in other faiths.
Before you want an answer to this question, you already state down your stand......

So I guess you do not need to know.......

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