Friday, February 12, 2010

How come many false prophets and anti christs have risen over the centuries?

And many different Gospels have arisen over the year? How was all this correctly prophesied if God doesn't exist?How come many false prophets and anti christs have risen over the centuries?
The Bible is written by men, but God spoke to those men in their dreams. The prophets then wrote God's words to them, and this became the Bible.

God told us that many false prophets would rise up and confuse many people...and that has come true?

Still don't believe in God? There are a lot more things that God said would happen that have not yet happened but will be happening soon.

How do I know? I read my Bible and read the prophesies and then see what is going on in the world.How come many false prophets and anti christs have risen over the centuries?
These are all the 25 true Prophets and Messengers of God for me, and I am not bothered about any other false Prophets, and Anti Christ hasnt appeared, it was prophesized, that he will first be spotted in this world with the Jewish armies in Istanbul, coming from Iran to attack the Muslims in Istanbul. (Does this mean that America will attack Iran in future?):


Idris (Enoch)

Nuh (Noah)



Ibrahim (Abraham)

Isma'il (Ishmael)

Ishaq (Isaac)

Lut (Lot)

Ya'qub (Jacob)

Yousef (Joseph)


Ayyub (Job)

Musa (Moses)

Harun (Aaron)

Dhu'l-kifl (Ezekiel)

Dawud (David)

Sulaiman (Solomon)

Ilias (Elias)

Al-Yasa (Elisha)

Yunus (Jonah)

Zakariyya (Zechariah)

Yahya (John)

'Isa (Jesus)

The Bible book of 1st John chapter 2 verses 18-25 says there would be many anti-Christs.

Verse 22 says ';Who is the liar if it is not the one that denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the anti-Christ, the one that denies the Father and the Son.';
Broad prophecies are bound to happen. I foresee future false prophets, religious wars and natural catastrophes... There, you read it here first.
God does exist

there is false prophets and gospels but that is because people want to make money and people are stupid that they belive it
Because God does exist.
you got a lot to learn.

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