Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is rev billy graham the false prophet?

why is rev billy graham againsts jews?Is rev billy graham the false prophet?
Not at all!! Billy Graham preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ and does not claim to be any sort of prophet. To my knowledge, he hates NO ONE, including Jews. Wherever did you pick that myth up??

Chow!!Is rev billy graham the false prophet?
Most Christians think that Billy Graham is one of the best evangilists that has ever been. Just a couple thoughts along these lines. There has never been any ';dirt'; discovered about him and his organization. His childred, who are now carring on his work, had questions of faith but repented. All presidents since Eisenhower has seeked his counsel. He has for the most part tried to stay away for controversies by saying the morality is between the person and God. He says very little besides it is by the grace of God and a belief in Jesus as your personal savior that one is saved.

While not particularly vocal on the matter, he has stated that Jews, Muslims, and Mormans are still in need of salvation.
If one is a Biblical literalist, one could refer to the Biblical passage stating ';Many will come in my name, but they will not know me.'; (paraphrased). Under this definition, Billy Graham may be one of many false prophets. He is anti-semitic because he believes that the only way to eternal salvation is through belief in Jesus as the Christ, although, one may point out that the Bible makes fairly distinct exeptions for Jews. Unfortunately, Billy Graham picks and chooses among what he considers to be ';acceptable'; literal interpretation, and he leaves no room for any interpretation other than his own. Also, I am not sure that the term ';Reverend'; would apply here. I may be wrong, but I do not think that he has completed seminary and been ordained by a recognized denomination.
You have to separate Billy Graham of old from the wiser, broader Billy. At the first of his career, he was very literal. Once he realized that the Bible is complex and artistic, he took his copy and set it in a tree stump. He said something to the effect of ';Lord, I don't understand all that is in this book, so show me what you will.';

I think this happens a lot, that people realize that Christianity would be a cartoon and sad if it could really be contained in leather binding.

To my knowledge, Billy has strayed from his literalist and fundamentalist ways of old and has taken a more tolerant and open approach.

I was actually surprised to here his daughter describe the concept of hell. Not what one might expect. She didn't exact it as the destination of sinners unrepented, but as something that people go through now in this lifetime.

After the 1980's, I think you would have a hard time pinning anti-Semitism on Billy Graham.
no he is not, he is just a preacher

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