Friday, February 12, 2010

Why Muhammad became a very successful false prophet compare to other false prophet at his time?

How did he manage to eliminate his rival (other false prophet)Why Muhammad became a very successful false prophet compare to other false prophet at his time?
Superior marketing?Why Muhammad became a very successful false prophet compare to other false prophet at his time?
Dear unknown friend, Muhammad lived long ago and we don't know much about him except the things which we read in history and we are not sure about the writings.secondly we should not judge about others so openly because we may be wrong about him and thirdly he was wise enough to eliminate his rivals. living in this world need cleverness, being awkward is not good. what about yourself, would you like to be wise or..........?
allah(the moon god) helped him
he was very successful because he was a true prophet sent by the only god .

there is a many true prophets before him , why don't you believe the last of prophets !

go and read about him, search about Islam to find the reason that all these people in the whole world following it , and why they convert to Islam .
Your argument is baseless by all means and all i can say to you ';you don't know any better';
What you say proves that Muhammad (PBUH) was a true prophet; in fact, the truest of all the prophets (PBUT).

I advise you to learn Islam carefully and take the matter much more seriously. One day, you may become Muslim.
Because he is not a false prophet.
I don't see Muslims ever insult Jesus, why insult their prophet? If you think your gospel is of truth than humble yourself and let God's plan unfold.
If you are so knowledgeable about Islam will you tell me who the other false prophets were whom he eliminated or is Muhammad (PBUH) sitting on your nerves so badly that you want to attribute anything that comes to your mind. Muhammad (PBUH) is the leader of all prophets that have come and you can not do anything about it
He was sneaky.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

';When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him';

(Deuteronomy 18:22).
You Know what??

Muhammad(pbuh) was not a false prophet.he was a true prophet and thats why he was successful.....though he has preached islam for only 23 years and look at the number of muslims..and still it is the fastest growing religion....and a false religion can not stay for that long and can not flourish to that extend ! islam is a true religion whether you believe or not !
Firstly do u even know what ur talking about?

If u do then who is this ';other false prophet'; u r talking about??

Think before u write anything
According to you, he is not very successful. What's the point? You don't want to follow his examples, do you?
He spread Islam by the sword with a ';submit or die'; message to mankind. He also kidnapped 6 yr. old Aisha and had sex with her when she was 9, and he was 54. Wow, God had a child-molester ';prophet';? What a great role model!!

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