Friday, February 12, 2010

Who thinks apostle Paul is a false prophet and not an apostle?

I don't necessarily describe Paul as a ';false prophet';, but I do believe he got some stuff very wrong. Being a Pharisee, he was expecting the coming of the Messiah to instill the end of days. This explains why he ran from place to place preaching his, ';the sky is falling'; message. This also explains why he was so openly opposed to Peter, James, and John. Though Paul was definitely off with his end of the world theories as well as most of his doctrinal beliefs about Jesus, since he had never actually met him, I do give Paul one thing. Without his ';chicken little'; routine and his multitude of letters, Christianity would be nothing more than a blurp in a history book and most Americans would have ';Mithras saves'; bumper stickers on their cars instead.Who thinks apostle Paul is a false prophet and not an apostle?
Nobody, cos Paul does not even call himself a prophet to begin with. Paul is an apostle.

But everyone knows muhammad of islam is a false prophet.

Luke 16:16 - ';The Law and the Prophets were until John (the Baptist)';.

EVEN Jesus says Muhammad was a fako.Who thinks apostle Paul is a false prophet and not an apostle?
Buddy Boy,

He was not a prophet but he was an Apostle. He was recognized by the other Apostles and that pretty well cinches it. Have a great evening and a wonderful week.



People who only quote Paul do so, so they don't have to follow the Examples and teaching of Christ himself such as the Sabbath
I am curious as to what you base your question on. It seems just a vague disclaimer with no explanation as to why you ask the question or why you have need of an answer.
Judge yourself from the Bible the book of books written many years after Jesus.......
anyone who has no understanding of the WORD of GOD
God have mercy on your soul!
Paul was a teacher of the Christian faith. He was in no way a false teacher.
Paul was not a prophet. He was an apostle. Jesus hand picked Paul Himself. He made an example of him because he was a terrible person who killed Christians because he hated them so much. But, God turned him around so that we would see His power (God's, not Paul's) God works through people like Paul and does amazing things, so that we will know He is God.

Paul was not a false prophet. If Jesus picked him, that's good enough for me!
Show me one teaching of Paul that is not supported by Christ or the disciples.
From the Bible.

';For I am lie.';

Paul 11:55

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