All prophets are false.Does anyone know anything about Rev. J R Seabolt? is he for real or a false prophet?
JR Seabolt has been associated with the five doves web site, and let me tell you they are always predicting the date of the rapture, and all of their ';dates'; have come and gone. And JR Seabolt is among them. So stay away from his web site ';rapture-soon';, it sounds good, but lot of errors!
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There is no one after those who came, all those who come now are in full error calling themselves that. As you see many are in jail.
it says clearly in the bible follow mankind today and you follow them to high injury and doom.
I often wonder if they are even reading their own words they made for themselves?
Never heard of him. But I do know that all prophets are false.
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