What fruits did Mohammad have that reveals to Christian he is a false prophet?How do Christians know that Mohammad is a false prophet?
Mohammad is not found anywhere in the bible.
Jesus is all through the bible.
No one knew of Mohammad until centuries after Jesus died for all sin and rose to life again.
How can the Koran mention somethings in the bible and deny others.
http://www.lyitl.org/koran/index.htmlHow do Christians know that Mohammad is a false prophet?
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Mohammad was an inspired leader - but he was no prophet.
Gangis Kahn (please disregard spelling) was an inspired leader too as were Napoleon, Churchill, Emperor Ming, Queen Elizabeth, King James and many others. None of them were prophets either yet all professed their belief in God of one sort or another and all performed acts in the name of their God. Some even wrote documents or books about it.
^ I couldn't have said it better.
All prophets are false. Next question, please.
Well, he says to cut people's heads off, he married a 6 year old and had sex with her 2 or 3 years later, he did not teach forgiveness like Jesus did, or mercy, somehow Mohammad's teachings involved returning to the days of stoning people to death, a practice which had continued to this day, whereas Jesus said let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Christians ,ask yourselves this Question.Who was Jesus Talking about?He Said '; I have to go away so that the comforter can come';.I know that the official church response is that he is referring to the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost.But in truth ,that cannot be because the Holy Spirit Had already been here.John the baptist had the Holy Spirit in His Mothers Womb.Jesus Healed the sick with the Help of the Holy Spirit.Many people in the Bible Had The Holy Spirit .So It was Already here.So who was Jesus talking about?The Comforter was The Prophet Mohamed.
He came after Jesus. He made up his own religion, which is contrary to the teachings of Jesus. He was nuts.
If u don' tbelieve god raise Jesus from the dead the 3 day than u a false proplet
The Jews have a prophecy that someone is coming.
Christians insist that it鈥檚 Jesus the one is mentioned in Jewish prophecy. Muslims insist it鈥檚 Muhammad. Then Christians insist that Muhammad is a false prophet because their gospel warns them of false prophets comes after Jesus.
I wonder why Christians don鈥檛 consider St Paul to be a false prophet. This man never met Jesus in his lifetime. He used to persecute Christians, and all of the sudden he claim that God spoke to him. And it was Paul who wrote most of the New Testament!
Mohammad must have been a false prophet because the pope said so. Mohammad preached much the same as Jesus, namely get back to serving god in the ways of old.
Of course this was not a way to promote capitalism, on which the christian church is based. So do a big smeer campain and destroy his credability.
Familiar story perhaps..
We beleive in Jesus as the one and only true path to God so that pretty much nips it in the bud for any other so called prophet to even have a chance of converting us.
Mohammad is a false prophet because he preached that Jesus Christ was not the Son of God and that's what you belive is true if you are a Christian.
He doesn't look a bad man in comparison with some Old Testament kings and indeed even some Old Testament prophets were at times unpleasantly violent.
But once we have seen the high standard of Jesus, and then the way the apostles spread the gospel - just through persuasion, the power of the Holy Spirit, miracles done, never through violence. Measuring Mohammed against that and of course he looks very sinful. Can God really have been in much of a relationship with him when he often killed people opposing him ? I don't think so. His conscience should have bothered him. Under the Old Covenant, had he been in it, God could have had a relationship with him of sorts, since in that Covenant God had to put up with wickedness in His covenant people, but of course the New Covenant now is the only way. Imposing your will on people through violence is completely out-of-bounds in the New Covenant. Genuine christians have undoubtedly been violent, and sinful in that, but it would not be expected in a person people look up to as a fine christian. God would not let a man with wickedness become a prophet in the way Mohammed claimed, unless He had first cleansed out the violence - believing in Jesus and being born again is step 1.
christians are twisted judgmental people. They dont even know who Mohammed(pbuh) is. He was mentioned in the bible. He was and is a prophet and he is the seal of the prophets. He is the last one.
Seeing as Christians worship a false prophet as a god, they would be the experts on such things..
Part of it is about false prophets, but what makes Mohammad a false prophet is how he denies the word of G-D and denies that Jesus is the Messiah. He recognized Jesus was a prophet, but considers those who follow in that way as infidels.
Jesus never said that those who followed the prophets that came before Him were infidels. In fact, He said that He did not come to abolish but to fulfill not only the word of the Law, but the word of the other prophets.
Mohammud threw out the entire Bible, and said the Koran and Sunnah were all that were needed. Not one time did Jesus say to disregard the Old Testament. Mohammud has said that those who believe in Judaism, in the church, in other faiths should be put to death. Jesus said for us to love our enemy, and when He comes again, He will take care of matters, just as when G-D told the Jews to enter the Promised Land, He said to have faith, and tho there be enemies, to trust that He would take care of matters.
There were many who proclaimed they were the Messiah over the past few millennia. What made it such that Jesus is was how He fulfilled the prophesies that pertained to the Messiah ben Yoseph, that is the one who would be the servant in the Old Testament. Muhammud defies what has been written not just in the New Testament, but in the Old.
Jesus does not contradict the original writings, He clarifies what it means when they move from the flesh to the spirit. He told us that we were no longer merely to follow, but to seek our own answers. Mohammadism moves man back to the world of the flesh. It is back to a sacrificial system, back to all the things that led to the need for a New Testament.
It defies what G-D said in Ezekiel, and in Jeremaiah, and the other books that speak of the Messiah.
The Sunnis, Al-Qaeda, Salazar, Hussein, Bin Laden are all fruits--they lead their own particular sects of Islam. They do what they do in the name of Allah, in the spirit of Mohammad.
Read the Koran....it tells man to do several things, while Jesus told us to love our enemies though they persecute us. Whether or not those who attend church do treat women, minorities, others a certain way is one thing. But, Jesus never said they SHOULD, or that it was ok. He said turn the other cheek. Mohammud says otherwise, which is why honor killings, acid burnings, female genital mutilation, hangings of gays and lesbians is legal for the Muslim nations.
Christians who do this, even in the name of Jesus, will be dealt with in a far different way than those who do these killings and harm others in the name of Mohammad and Allah.
Who is he anyways. I've heard of him but i just read the bible and I don't think he's in there. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!!
These answers slandering the Great Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) are all false. He loved and respected Jesus and when Jesus returns to this Earth to fight the Anti-Christ he'll return as a follower of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)'s ummah (nation). May Allah (God) guide us all.
behavior that rejects new testament ethics
teachings that reject New Testament doctrine and revelation
does not get the Old testament stories right-if he were dictated to by God or Gabriel ,he would have gotten them right
engaging in brigandage and caravan raiding
Christians believe that Jesus came to fulfill all the prophecies. There would not be any more prophets after him. The word ';prophet'; in the Old Testament doesn't mean a predictor of the future, like a fortune-teller--it was a person who pointed the way to recognition of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
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