Sunday, February 7, 2010

How do you distinguish a true prophet from a false prophet?

Jesus said that false prophets would come in sheep’s covering, while inside they would be like devouring wolves. However, he gave us a rule by which we can distinguish between the true servants of God and the false ones, saying: “Really, then, by their fruits you will recognize those men.”—Matt. 7:15-20.How do you distinguish a true prophet from a false prophet?
How do you distinguish a true prophet from a false prophet

First - these days a true profite must be a memeber f the t knigodm of God/Heaven on earth -- the Catholic church.

Second - A true prophet seeks nothing for themselves.

so a false prophet is nto catholic and/or seeks some sort of benefit for themseleves from the prophecy. For example here are proabaly prophets today among clositered nuns/monks or workign lay catholics. I think there are lements of prophecy that were in the papacy of John Paul II.

How do you distinguish a true prophet from a false prophet

How do you distinguish Mother Terresa from John Hagee. or

Francis of Assisi from Martin Luther

Prophets are first holy people who foreshadow some aspect of the kingodm of God/heaven while on earth. In the old testamant they foresahdowed the comming of the kingdom and it's founder. often as warnings and thus the necessatiy for the comming.How do you distinguish a true prophet from a false prophet?
Hello Bruce.

Good question.

A bad deed can never be justified in the name of good.

No personal gain of money, power or social standing should be a requirement of the prophesies. God would want His word to be heard by all with no conditions attached.

Their words should reflect the heart and messages of Christ and/or the goodness of the many other prophets of the world's many great religions in both meaning and deed.

Coercion and fear could not be a part of their messages or ways.

They should not do, speak or condone any pain to others, not even in the name of God.

These are only a few off the top of my head but the most important would probably be a set of open eyes and ears and a mind that is aware of the almost total improbability of a prophet of today being a true and holy prophet.


Now the real answer is by their works.

However, modern Christians have denied the power of God and said he doesn't need to guide his church - although it has split into millions of different denominations and thus, belief systems.

So in essence the Christians have simplified it by thinking that there are no such thing as prophets so everyone who pretends to be one is a false prophet and they don't even have to look at their works because that would take too much work.
If you follow the word of God we should test all spirits and all who claim to be prophets with the word of God.

All prophets must be in agreement with each other and the word of God.

Edit to Fireball, Is the word of God in Acts not the word of God or was Paul not a prophet after Christ?
A true prophet gives accurate prophecies. A false prophet is not 100 percent accurate.

Deuteronomy 18:21-22 You may say to yourselves, ';How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the LORD?'; (22) If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true, that is a message the LORD has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him.

And by his/her works.

Matthew 7:15-16 ';Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. (16) By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
15 ¶ Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Matt 7:16

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Matt 7:17

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

Matt 7:18

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

Matt 7:19

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

Matt 7:20

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

The Savior gave the criteria for His friendship in the 15th chapter of John, in which He states, “Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you” (John 15:14). He further gave the acid test when He said, “Ye shall know them by their fruits” (Matt. 7:16; see also Matt. 7:17-18, 20). This is how we will all be judged—by our fruits, good or bad. In the final judgment, if our fruits so warrant, we will be invited to sit on the right hand of God. There I believe will be His friends.

This means that there must be real prophets out there, right? Logic in this verse says that we must judge them, right?
From the Holy Qur'an

69:45] And if he had forged and attributed any sayings to US,

[69:46] We would, surely, have seized him by the right hand,

[69:47] And then, surely, We would have cut his life-vein,

[69:48] And not one of you could have held Our punishment off from him.

From the Holy Bible

Deut18:20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

Both are pretty clear.
By hiding the word of God in your heart and letting the Holy Spirit guide you. When you hear something that isn't exactly in tune with the truth your spirit will sense it. It is at that time you will probably start to research things in your heart and then truth will eventually surface.
take a look at the homeless guy on the street corner who has a carboard sign written with feces saying ';god is coming';

there are no true prophets. people (prophets) have been saying for many many years, that god will come on this certain day. has he came yet? has the world came to an end yet?
I don't believe there are any people who are prophets. A person could possible be given a prophetic message by the Holy Spirit but it would probably happen once or twice in an entire lifetime. If someone is claiming to be a prophet, run in the other direction.
I've heard mother angelica say that it is humility!!!!!! They are quite humble!!!!!!!!!! If they are true. I don't know if that's the answer you were searching for. anyway, I know that humilty, is at least a part of what a true prophet must possess.
We know one to be a prophet by the testimony of the Church Christ founded. Since the Church is the pillar and foundation of the truth, then whatever the prophet says, it will never contradict the teachings of God's Church.

God Bless

you can tell by their doctrine. usually someone claiming to be a prophet like on tv or something that can gain publicity is false. Truth be told I think the real prophets out there are on the front lines of doing Gods work but no money is involved in their work.
A true prophet is one who brings down the message direclty from God and the signs of God's message are revealed.

A false prophet is one who seeks power and uses God's will as a scapegoat.

-A devout muslim
a true prophets words shall come to pass, a false prophets will not ,they may look good but they produce no results. read proverbs 25:14 also if they say anything that doesnt line up with the word of God they are false read 1 john 9%26amp;10
Shrimad Bhagavatam, Ist Canto lists names of 24 Avatars. An Avatar is an incarnation actually. Not just a cool pic of me.
By Gods' Word.

Mat 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

Mat 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
If they preach anything that benefits themselves the chances are overwhelmingly good that they are false prophets.
A true prophet is 100% accurate, not 99% of the time.

In history false prophets were stoned to death.

So a false prophet would not be accurate.
Hi! ';Honest Joe'; Smith here! For free, impartial and informed advice on ';How to distinguish a true profit, I mean prophet, of course, from a false prophet'; send your check, payable to.........
The Biblical standard is that if even one prophecy doesn't come to pass, then they are considered to be a false prophet.
Depends On If You're Gullible Or Not To Believe In Prophets.

I AM THE TRUE PROPHET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
Commandment Keepers!

Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
Either miracles or predicting the future

But both have to be aligned with the true God.
LOL at the first answerer...

And from what I've seen on here, the only way to tell is to go with the one everyone else believes in...
Prophets were miracle workers and they were sent from God, but anyone who says they are God or a prophet it is a lie. And if they preform miracles they maybe hipnotised you because they can do that.
I would ask the Sacred Phantom to interprete his words and let me know. Or the Holy Ghost or whatever you people call it.
I don't even try-I just dismiss prophets in general as charlatans.
Their messages must allign with the gospel.
Ask them if they are a false prophet. If they say that they are not, you can be 99.9 percent sure that they are.

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