Sunday, February 7, 2010

What things must a person do or say to be a false prophet?

We are warned in scripture in the last days that many false prophets would arise. I would like some thought here and I ask what things would a person need to be doing and saying to be a false prophet in your eyesWhat things must a person do or say to be a false prophet?
If a person speaks for God, but hasn't been called by God, they are a false prophet. This includes most modern preachers who pretend to speak for God, but took the honor unto themselves. ';And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron. '; Hebrews 5:4

They cannot be judged against the bible - every prophet taught things that were new. Plus, writtings of dead prophets are easily altered or lost, while revelation through a living prophet cannot be so easily twisted.

Jesus taught that we can know a false prophet by their fruits. The fruits of a true prophet are prophecy, revelation, miracles, and the teaching of repentance. Their testimony is often sealed by their blood.What things must a person do or say to be a false prophet?
1)None of their prophecies come true.

2)Promote a false deity.
Do what the JW's do, what the Mormons do, what Joel Osteen does...just tell people what they want to hear. Even on the road to hell, flowers can make a person smile.
A false prophet is anyone who teaches contrary to the Bible or teaches concepts that are not found in the Bible.

For example: infant baptism, ';once saved always saved';, saved by faith only, forbidding to marry. These are concepts that are man-made an have no basis in the Bible.

';Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.'; 1 Timothy 4:1-3
They are wise and accurate..then they would be called false by people, not me...
Not only does their message have to come true, God's prophets validated their message with a miraculous sign. In other words, if you told me 'the Lord saids..' then you better be able to call fire from the sky, walk on water, or something like that. If not, the the Lord is not saying anything. Also, if you telling me something that the bible already saids, then your not a prophet. Prophets were people who gave a message from God that couldn't be known beforehand.
Just be a prophet, because that's the only kind there is.
the fruit man, the fruit.
Setting a date for Christ's return would be one of them.
Someone who twists spiritual teachings and manipulates others for any purpose other than enlightenment. Those who preach for money, fame, or even out of fear.
They will deny Jesus

that he is

the risen savior

the Christ

he died for your sins

that he is God in the flesh

and in general contradict John 14:6

Jesus said ';I am the way, the truth,and life, no man comes to the Father but by me';

and will be really convincing about it all.
While it is true the number of false prophets is increasing, it should not be a concern for christians.

No false prophet, nor even the devil himself, can lead you astray with false doctrine if you are a christian. When I say christian, I do not mean in name only, I mean born again in the spirit like Jesus told Nicodemus he must be.

If you read your bible, and ';study to show yourselves approved';, you cannot be led astray.

False prophecies are those that do not match up with the bible. It could be any number of things...such as, our salvation is found in the tail of that comet, or if you will all drink this poison you will prove God and He will bring you home to heaven. Like I said, any number of things.
Anything that's not in the word.


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