Monday, February 8, 2010

Would you say that the term 'false prophet' is redundant?

Prophecy isn't real. No one can see the future. Never happened, never will.

Therfore any 'prophet' is, by necessity, false.Would you say that the term 'false prophet' is redundant?
look at the tv and radio evangelists who sprout it and then chooseWould you say that the term 'false prophet' is redundant?
I don't think a person's prophecy has to be true in order for him to be called a prophet. Does it? Aren't you saying that you are still waiting for a prophet to be proven correct in order for him to be called a prophet? He doesn't have to be true to be called a prophet either so the term ';true'; prophet would also be redundant.
Prophecy is not just about 'telling the future' - it's about speaking truth.

However, I recommend you read the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 53 which is a prophecy of the coming Messiah which was fulfilled by the life, death, and ressurrection of Jesus Christ.
No one has absolute knowledge of the future, so yes, it is redundant. However, science allows to make astonishingly accurate predictions of future events, so a team of scientists with sobering predictions about the future are well worth listening to.
Maybe it’s kind of like when people say, “I’m an Atheist because I can’t believe that God would allow suffering in the world”.

You can’t blame someone for something and then turn around and say they don’t exist.
Prophets aren't just about telling the future. They also teach and help explain philosophy and mysteries. They are also known for becoming religious leaders like Christ, Mohamed and Moses.
Not when specific prophesies have been laid out in a text. By classical definition, I guess you're right. But nothing is ever classical.
Nope. Prophesies come from a source, the all-knowing Christ Jesus. However, just be careful as to what you hear. Many will prophesize but when they do check it out with the word of God.
No, i would not say that.

Prophecy is real.

Thanks for asking though.
I'm not sure but in this economy ';false profit'; certainly is.
Only if it's profitable.
You just think that nobody can see the future..

You haven't met God or a real Prophet of God yet..
The Lord told me to avoid foolish questions.
yes, of course. thx for the 2 pts.

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